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1600 Center Ave. 6F, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 U.S.A.
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“Yeshua” Scholarship.
“예슈아” 장학금: 등록금 전액 면제.
“Asst. Pastor, Bai Moon Shin” Scholarship.
“배문신 전도사” 장학금: 등록금 전액 면제.
“Yeshua Mission” Scholarship.
“예슈아 선교회” 장학금: 등록금 반액 면제.
“Yeshua Mission Church” Scholarship.
“예슈아 선교 교회” 장학금: 등록금 반액 면제.
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Curriculum 1. Bachelor of Theology (total credits : 126) 
required courses: Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey 
NT Greek, Int. to Hebrew, Pentateuch, History of Israel, 
Prophets, Writings, Gospels, Parables, Pauline Letters 
Christian Education, Systematic Theology, History of Church 
Church Music, Methods of Bible Study, Ministerial Ethics 
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective 
elective courses: Bible/Theology 30, Ministry 30, Practice 9
  2. Master of Divinity (total credits : 96) 
required courses: Int. Old Testament, Int. New Testament, OTT, NTT 
NT Greek, Int. to Hebrew, Pentateuch, History of Israel, 
Prophets, Writings, Gospels, Parables, Pauline Letters 
Hermeneutics, Christian Ethics, OT Survey, NT Survery 
Christian Education, Systematic Theology, History of Church 
Church Music, Methods of Bible Study, Ministerial Ethics 
Preaching, Pastoral Counselling, Evangelism and Mission 
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective 
elective courses: Bible/Theology 36, Practice 9 
Graduation Thesis : 50-70 pages (in English or Korean)
  3. Master of Theology (total credits : 36) 
entrance requirements: Master of Divinity or equivalent degree 
required courses: Seminar of Biblical Theology, Readings on Biblical Hebrew 
Apocalyptics, Theology of History, Missiology, Church 
Theological Readings, Seminar on Christian Worship 
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective 
elective courses: major courses 
Thesis : 60-80 pages (in English) or 70-100 (in Korean)
  4. Doctor of Ministry (total credits : 48) 
entrance requirements: Master of Divinity or Theological Studies 
Five years of ministry 
required courses: Advanced Greek, Hebrew readings, Bible Exegesis 
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective 
Method of Research and Writing Prescribed by Faculty 
Thesis : 75-120 pages (in English or Korean)
  5. Doctor of Theology (total credits : 64) 
entrance requirements: Master of Divinity or Related Theological Studies 
required courses: Advanced Greek, Hebrew readings, Latin, 
Bible Exegesis, Relational Theology, Gospel Theology. 
Christian Historical Perspective, Pastoral Counselling 
Major courses 
Method of Research and Writing Prescribed by Faculty 
Thesis : 100-200 pages (in English or Korean)
  Course Number 
700-799 Introductory Courses 
800-899 Intermediate Courses 
900-997 Advanced Courses 
998-999 Independent Study

Biblical Studies

NT (New Testament) 
750 Biblical Greek (NT) I 
780 Biblical Greek (NT) II 
790 Reading of NT Greek 
799 Introduction to NT 
810 Synoptic Gospels 
820 Fourth Gospel (John) 
825 Acts 
830 Pauline Letters 
835 Letter of Romans 
840 General Epistles 
842 Letter of Hebrews 
845 Revelation of John 
850 NT Exegesis 
888 Between Two Testaments 
900 Seminar on NT Exegesis 
950 Eschatology in NT 
970 NT Theology

OT (Old Testament) 
750 Biblical Hebrew I 
760 Biblical Hebrew II 
780 Reading of Hebrew Bible 
799 Introduction to OT 
805 Religion and History of Israel 
810 Pentateuch 
815 Genesis: Foundations in Biblical History 
820 Former Prophets 
830 Latter Prophets 
832 Exegesis on Isaiah 
833 Exegesis on Jeremiah 
834 Exegesis on Ezekiel 
835 Minor Prophets 
840 Psalms : Biblical Poetry 
845 Wisdom Literature 
850 OT Exegesis 
900 Seminar on OT Exegesis 
950 OT Apocalyptic 
970 OT Theology



CH (Church History) 
790 History of Church I (Early Church) 
800 History of Mission 
810 History of Church II(Medieval & Reformation) 
820 History of Church III (Modern) 
825 History of Korean Church I 
831 History of Korean Church II 
840 History of American Church 
841 History of Presbyterian Church in U.S.A. 
880 History of World Church (Cumulative) 
900 Seminar on Korean Church History 
920 History of Korean Immigrant Church in U.S.A. 
930 History of Doctrines 
950 Seminar on World Church 
970 Ecumenics


Systematic Theology

TH (Theology) 
790 Introduction to Theology : Christian Faith 
795 The Christian Life 
800 Doctrine of God 
805 The Story of Christian Church 
810 Modern Theology 
820 Theological Anthropology 
880 Pneumatology (or Work of the Spirit) 
900 Seminar on Eschatology 
905 Christology (or Work and Person of Christ) 
910 Ecclesiology (or Doctrine on Church) 

ET (Ethics and Theology) 
820 Missiology 
850 Christian Ethics 
870 Church and Society 
875 Science and Theology 
900 Puritan Ethics and Theology 
920 Social Science and Theology 
950 Seminar on Theological Option


Practical Theology

PT (Pastoral Studies) 
500 Personal Assessment and Spiritual Development 
700-5 Pastoral Practice 
720 Church Music 
725 Hymnology 
730 Organization of Immigrant Church in America 
810 Int. to Pastoral Theology 
815 Church Administration 
820 Study on Ministry 
830 Worship (Theory and Practice) 
835 Worship Seminar 
840 Evangelism 
850 Pastoral Counselling 
851 Family Counselling 
852 Marriage Counselling 
855 Introduction to Christian Education 
