예슈아대학교 신학대학원
Yeshua University & Theological Seminary
세계 최초로 한글 Internet으로 수업받고 학점 인정을 받을수 있습니다.
YUTS : Cyber Internet Education
성경을 정확무오한 하나님의 말씀으로 믿는 본교는 21세기 세계 복음화를 이루기 위하여 세워진 초교파 신학 대학교 입니다.
세계 어느곳에서든 한글로 Internet 접속에 의해서 강의도 듣고, 학점을 취득할수 있으며, 연중 Intensive Course로 진행 됩니다.
연 4 학기제로 (Fall. Winter. Spring. Summer) 휴강 없이 집중 수업 합니다.
선교사님들과 선교사 희망자들에게는 YUTS 부설 Yeshua Missionary University가 운영 됩니다.
선교지 선교사님 들에게는 연 6학기가 적용됩니다.
Full Scholarship: 다음 특수 선교지들에 대해서는 100% 장학금이 적용 됩니다. (Native Citizen Only)
(1. Central America. 2. South Africa. 3. Asia. 4. South America 5. India)
본교는 전세계에서 50분의 Satellite Dean 들이 사역하고 계시며, 1,700명의 학생들이 Internet을 통하여 공부하고 있습니다.
By-Laws of Yeshua University and Theological Seminary (YUTS)
Article 1 General Rule
Section 1 Name: The Name of this corporation shall be Yeshua University and Theological Seminary
Section 2 Principal Office:
The principal office of the corporation is located in Queens County, State of New York. The designation of the corporation's principal office may be changed by amendment of these Bylaws.
Article II Purposes
Section 1 Specific purposes:
The specific and primary purposes of this corporation shall be to educate man and woman for the Christian leaders in defending the Word of God & the authority of the Bible, and in cooperating to expel the cultic trends in the Church & building the biblical Church.
Section 2 IRC Section 501(c)(3) purposes:
This corporation is organized and operated exclusively for RELIGIOUS purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article III Satellite Deans
Section 1 Number:
The number of Satellite Deans of the corporation shall not be less than three and business shall be conducted by majority vote of members of directors.
Section 2 Election and Term of Office
Satellite Deans shall be elected by Board of Directors, and each dean shall hold office for a period of 2 years and until his or her successor is elected and qualifies. Each dean elected to fill a vacancy shall hold the office until expiration of the term for which elected and until a successor has been elected and qualified.
Section 3 Meeting
Meeting of Board of Directors may be called by the President at any time as may be necessary as well as the request by the majority of the Deans.
Section 4 Duties & Function
The function of the Board of Directors are to manage all natters concerning corporation's business and every Director shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time to inspect all books, records, and documents of the corporation.
Section 5 Compensation
Directors shall serve without compensation.
Article IV Officers
Section 1 Designation of Officers
The officers of the corporation shall be a President, some Vice Presidents, Dean, and a Treasurer. The corporation may also have a Chairperson of the Board, one or more Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers, and other such officers with such titles as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 Election and Term of Office
Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors, at any time, and each officer shall hold office until he or she resigns or is removed or is otherwise disqualified to serve, or until his or her successors shall be elected and qualified, whichever occurs first.
Section 3 Removal and Resignation
Any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, by the Board of Directors, at any time. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors or to the President or Secretary of the corporation.
Section 4 Vacancy
Any vacancy caused by the death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, of any officer shall be filled by the Board of Directors. In the event of a vacancy in any office other than that of President, such vacancy may be filled temporarily by appointment by the President until such time as the Board shall fill the vacancy. Vacancies occurring in offices of officers appointed at the discretion of the board may or may not be filled as the board shall determine.
Section 5 Duties of President
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, supervise and control the affairs of the corporation and the activities of the officers. He or she shall perform all duties incident to his or her office and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by these Bylaws, or which may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. Unless another person is specifically appointed as Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the President shall represent the University
Section 6 Chairperson of the Board
If a Chairperson of the Board is selected, he or she shall preside at meetings of the Board and shall exercise and perform such other powers and duties as the Board may assign from time to time. If there is no President, the Chairperson of the Board shall also be the Chief Executive Officer and shall have the powers and duties of the President of the corporation prescribed by these By-laws.
Section 7 Duties of Dean
The Dean shall keep or cause to be kept accurate minutes of meetings as well as the academic affairs. He or she shall be the custodian of corporation's records, books, documents, and communication except such books of account as are required to be kept in the Treasurer's custody. Dean should exhibit any records at all reasonable times to any director of the corporation upon request.
Section 8 Duties of Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the corporation, and deposit all such funds in the name of the corporation in such banks, trust companies, and other depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the corporation's financial proceedings in form authorized and directed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall exhibit at all reasonable times the books of account and financial records to any director of the corporation, on request therefor.
Section 9 Compensation
Officer shall serve without compensation.
Article V IRC 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Provisions
Section 1 Limitations on Activities
No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall be the carrying on of progaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and this corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
Section 2 Prohibition against private inurement
The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to religious purposes and no part of the net earnings or assets of this corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors or trustees, officers, or other private persons.
Section 3 Distribution of assets
Upon the dissolution or winding up of this corporation, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under the Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article VI Finance
Section 1 Source of Financial Support
The sources of financial support shall be contribution from tuition, donations and general public.
Section 2 Accounting period
The fiscal year of the corporation shall be the calendar year.
Article VII Auxiliary
Section 1 Amendment
The By-Laws may be amended or replaced by the Board of Directors.
Yeshua University 연혁
1901. 5.15.
한국 최초의 신학교, 대한 예수교 장로회 평양 신학교가 개교 되다.
초대교장으로 마포 삼열박사가 취임하다.
1919. 9.
디모데에게는 믿음의 뿌리로서 외 조모“로이스”와어머니“유니게”가 있었듯이, 설립자 에게도 외조모 “배문신 전도사” 가 계셨습니다. 두 자녀를 데리고 27세에 미망인이 되셨던 “배 문신 여사” 는 당시 선교사 “민 애도” 의 인도로 30세 나이에 “평양고등 성경학교”에 입학하셨고, 졸업하신후 45년 동안을 이름도 없이 빛도 없이, 주의 일을 하시다가 1967년 강화도 모도에서 사역을 끝으로 하나님의 부르심을 받으셨습니다. 이에 외손자인 설립자는 “배문신 전도사님” 의 평양 고등 성경학교” 에 입학하신 년도를 “예슈아 신학 대학교” 의 원년으로 채택하다.
1996. 7.
설립자 “예슈아 선교회” (Yeshua Mission) 을 설립하다.
2001.12. 2.
설립자 “예슈아 선교교회”( Yeshua Mission Church) 를 설립하다.
설립자 백두산 “천지”에서 신학대학교 설립의 영감을 받다.
2003.12. 4
설립자 “예슈아 신학 대학교”( Yeshua Theological Seminary)를 설립하고,뉴욕주 정부에 신학대학으로 법인 등록하다(F#: 031 204 000 603)
2004. 1. 6.
미국 최대의 초교파 교단인 Evangelical Church Alliance 와 목사 안수 협정을 체결하다.
2004. 3. 5.
뉴욕주 정부 교육청으로 부터 비 학위수여 신학대학으로 인정 받다.
2004. 5.28.
Cohen University & Theological Seminary 와 공동 학위 수여 협정을 체결하다
( Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctor Degree, Honorary Doctor Degree)
2004. 6. 1.
미 연방정부 IRS 에 비영리신학대학교육기관으로접수하다(Employer Identification Number: 45-0529420, Document Locator Number: 17053-149- 01100-4)
2004. 7.30.
Sacramento Theological Seminary & Bible College 와 공동학위 수여 협정을 체결하다 (Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctor Degree, Certificate)
2004. 9.6-7
Yeshua Theological Seminary - NY Campus, NJ Campus를개교하다.
2004. 9.20.
CA 주정부에 종합대학 및 신학 대학원(Yeshua University and Theological Seminary) 로 법인 등록을 마치다.
2004. 9.30.
CFMR: New York 기독교 상담대학원 (NY 주정부 등록. F: 011115 000048) 과 학위 협정을 체결 함으로써, YTS의 학위를 공동으로 수여한다.
2004.11. 4.
제 1 회 졸업식: 기독교 상담학 석사 8명, 명예 신학 박사 2명을 배출하다. (STSBC학위 공동수여)
2005. 2.16.
설립자 Co- Founder로서 International University를 설립하다.
2005. 7.25.
California State, 고등 교육국 BPPVE로 부터 Yeshua University and Theological Seminary 로 종합대학으로 인가를 받다 ( School Code: 81739589)
2005. 8.26.
Faith Theological Seminary & Christian College 와 공동학위 수여 협정을 체결하다. ( BA., MA., Dr., PH.D., Degree )
2005. 9.27.
Enoch University 를 설립하다. ( E.U.: School Code: 97715495 )
2005.11 13.
Internet World Missionary University 와 학사, 안수 협정을 체결하다.
제 2 회 졸업식: YUTS 및 학위협정 자매교를 통하여 총 71명의 졸업생을 배출하다.
( 학사: 23. 석사: 24. 박사: 24 )
2006. 4.29.
Enoch Language Institute 를 설립하다. (Granting Processing)
2006. 5.30.
제 3 회 졸업식: YUTS 및 학위협정 자매교를 통하여 총 51명의 졸업생을 배출하다.
( 학사: 7. 석사: 3. 박사: 41 )
제 3회 해외 졸업식: 대전 계룡스파텔 호텔
YUTS 및 학위 협정 자매교를 통하여 총 57명의 졸업생을 배출 하다.
(학사: 8, 석사: 3, 박사: 46)
California State, 사랍고등 교육국 BPPVE 로 부터 Enoch University로
종합대학 인가를 받다 ( School Code: 97715495 )
2006. 11. 2.
제 3회 후기 졸업식: YUTS 및 학위 협정 자매교를 통하여 총 119명에게
학위가 수여되다. ( 학위- 학사: 36. 석사: 22. 박사: 61. ) ( 학교- YUTS:
66. STS: 19. FTSCS: 8. EU: 26. ) ( 국가- Asia: 42. Korea: 15. Bolivia: 1.
Colombia: 6. USA: 49. India: 1. Paraguay: 1. Japan: 3. Nicaragua: 1. )
Elijah University 를 설립하다 (현 Degree Granting Processing )
2007. 6, 1
제4회 전기 졸업식: YUTS 및 EU를 통하여 총 13명에게 학위가 수여되다.
( 학위종별: B.C.E.: 1. D. Min.: 4. D. Miss.: 3. D. D.: 4. Th. D.: 1. 학사: 1. 박사: 12 ) ( 학교- YUTS: 6, EU: 7 ) 지역: India: 1. Seoul: 2. California: 2. Oklahoma: 1. Philadelphia: 1. Los Angeles: 3. Pennsylvania: 1. Colorado: 1. Anaheim: 1
2007. 6, 28
제4회 해외 졸업식: YUTS, EU, IU 를 통하여 총 60명에게 학위가 수여되다.
나라 별로는 1). Asia: 24. 2). Korea: 22. 3). USA: 13. 4). India: 1. 학위종별로는 1). BA: 19. 2). MA: 17. 3). Dr.: 24. 학교별로는 1). EU: 23. 2). YUTS: 34. 3). IU: 3. 총 60명이 학위를 받다.
2007. 11, 6
제4회 후기 졸업식: YUTS. EU. STSBC. 를 통하여 총12명에게 학위가 수여되다. 학교별로는 YUTS 4. EU 1. STSBC 7. 학위종별로는 BA 1. MA 4. Dr. 7.
2007. 11, 29
제 4회 해외 후기 졸업식 까지 FTSCC. IT. STSBC. EU. YUTS. 통하여 총 94명의 졸업생을 배출하다. 학위별: BA 25. MA 25. Dr. 44. 국별: Asia 35. India 1. Japan 1. Korea 31. USA 26. 학교별 FTSCC 1. IT 3. STSBC 7. EU 29. YUTS 54.
2008. 5, 29
제5회 전기졸업식: YUTS. EU. IU. FTSCC. 를 통하여 총 38명의 졸업생을 배출하다. 학위별: BA-9. MA-18. Dr.-11. 국별: Asia-14. Korea-4. USA-8. Africa-1. South America (Bolivia)-11.
Yeshua Mission Center was organized. Yeshua is the pronunciation of
Jesus in Hebrew and Aramaic. Peter Byungsun Hyun, the founder, was
greatly influenced by his grandmother, Pastor Moonshin Bae who served the
Lord in many local churches in Korea for 45 years.
Dec. 2, 2001
Yeshua Mission Church was organized and corporate.
Dec. 4, 2003
Yeshua Theological Seminary was corporate in the State of New
York (N.Y.S. Department of State, Division of Corporations and state Records: F#: 031 204 000 603)
Jan. 6, 2004
Yeshua Theological Seminary was joined with Evangelical Church
Alliance in agreement of ordination for minister.
Nov. 21, 2005
Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Section 501 (C)
(3) , Employer Identification Number: 45-0529420:
July. 25, 2005
California State, BPPVE : Yeshua University and Theological Seminary
( School Code: 81739589)
August. 2006
Peter & Esther Hyun Foundation was founded with following educational institutes.
(1) Yeshua University and Theological Seminary (YUTS, School Code: 81739589)
(2) International University (I.U.School Code: 69608261)
(3) Enoch University (E.U., School Code: 97715495)
(4) Elijah University (El. U.) The institutes with the academic exchange programs:
(5) Sacramento Theological Seminary & Bible College (STSBC, School Code: 3406271)
(6) Faith Theological Seminary & Christian College (FTSCC: “CIC” “SBICU” : 246083)
(7) Cohen University & Theological Seminary (CUTS, School Code: 1927521)
(8) Cyber Christian Institute (C.C.I. Seoul, Korea)
(9) Evangelical Church Alliance (ECA, Ordination)
(10) Internet World Missionary University (IWMU, Ordination/Academic affairs)
YUTS Administration
Chairman Board of Trustees :
Esther Mija Hyun, M.M.
President Chancellor :
Rev. Dr. Sam Goebel D.R.E., D.Min.
Rev. Dr. Young Kyu Park, Th.D., Ph.D
Rev. Dr. Sung Nung Shin, Th. D., Ph. D.
Rev. Dr. Jong Un Lee, H.D.C.M. D.D.
Rev. Dr. Paul Y. Jung, Ph.D., D. Min.
President / Founder :
Rev. Dr. Peter B. Hyun, Th. D., Ph. D.
Vice President / Overseas :
Rev. Dr. Sung Joon Pyo, Th.D.
Rev. Dr. Keum Shook Paik, D.C.C., Ph.D.
Rev. Dr. Jae In Kim, Th. D., Ph.D.
Rev. Dr. Jae Ho Kim, D.D., D. Miss.
Rev. Dr. Kyu Neon Kim, D. Min., Th. D.
Rev. Dr. Ho Bin Gang, D. Miss., Th. D.
Rev. Dr. Choules H. Park , Th.D.,Ph.D.
Rev. Dr. Duk Pil Yu, D.Min.,Th.D.
Rev. Dr. Edward Yoon, D.Min., Th.D.
Rev. Dr. Moo Gil Lee
Dean of Doctoral Studies In Theology :
The 4th World Mission
Rev. Dr.Paul B. Jang,Th.D.,Ph.D.
The Full Gospel(USA)
Rev.Dr.Kim Hoon,Th.D.,Ph.D.
The Full Gospel(Korea)
Rev.Dr.JE IL CHA,Th.D.
Dean of Doctoral Studies in Healing :
Alternative Medicine
Dr. Howard Okrae Cho, M.D., Ph.D.
Dean of Doctoral Studies in Counseling :
Rev.Dr. Keum Shook(Rachel) Paik, D.C.C., Ph.D.
Dean of Yeshua University :
Rev.Dr.Kim Hoon, Th.D., Ph.D.
Dean of Enoch University :
Rev.Chul Soo Kim, Th.D.
Dean of Elijah University :
Rev.Dr.Paul Kunsang Yoon,?Th.D.
Dean of Counseling School :
Rev.Dr. Keum Shook Paik, D.C.C., Ph.D.
Dean of Academic Affairs (NJ) :
Rev. Dr. Kyung Soo Chun, H. D. Miss.
Dean of Students (NJ) :
Dr. Sarah S. Rhei, D. R. E.
Dean of YUTS :
Rev. Dr. Jong Un Lee, D.D., Th.D.
Dean of Arizona :
Rev. Dr. Edward Yoon, D. Min.
Dean of San Diego :
Rev. Dr. Soon Kue Park, D. Min.
Dean of Colorado :
Rev. Dr. Hyung Tae Lim, D. Min.
Dean of Oklahoma :
Rev. Dr. Pyung Jong Peter Sim, D. Min.
Dean of Church Music (YUTS:NY) :
Dr. Kyung Hum Shim, H. D. C. M.
Dean of Church Music (EU:NJ) :
Dr. Byung Choun Lee, H. D. C. M.
Dean of Church Music (YUTS:NJ) :
Dr. Sung Bae Ju, D. C. M.
Dean of Texas(San Antonio) :
Rev. Dr. Sung Joon Pyo,Th.D.
Dean of Seattle (YUTS) :
Dean of Phelan (YUTS:Church Music) :
Rev. Dr. Shin Woo Lee, H. D. C. M.
Dean of Los Angeles(EU:Church Music) :
Dr. Yang-Hi Kim, H. D. C. M.
Dean of Virginia :
Rev. Dr. Duk Pil Yu, D. Min., Th.D.
Dean of San Gabriel(YUTS):
Rev.Tae Ho Choi
YUTS Satellite Dean
Dean of Canada :
Rev. Dr. Choules H. Park , Th.D.,Ph.D.
Dean of Russia / Kazak. :
Rev. Dr. Paul So Yi,D.Miss., Th.D.
Dean of Australia :
Rev.Dr. Jacob Sungje Cho, D. Min.
Dean of Seoul Korea:
Rev.Dr.Moo Gil Lee,D.Min.
Dean of Korea(Incheon) :
Rev. Dr. Don Sik You, D.D., Ed.D
Dean of India ( New Delhi) :
Rev.Dr. Ki Soo Chae, D. Miss.
Dean of Seoul Korea :
Rev.Dr. Duk Pil Yu,D.Min., Th. D.
Dean of Japan :
Rev.Dr. Chol Shaku Ko-Gen Lee, D. D.
Dean of Nicaragua :
Rev. Miss. Hyang Ja Kim M. Div.
Dean of India :
Rev. Dr. Dwiguna Vijay Surabhi Th. D.
Dean of Colombia :
Rev. Dr. Young Ha Lee, D.Miss., D.Min.
Dean of Osaka :
Rev. Dr. Joshua Jongha Lee, D. D.
Dean of Paraguay :
Rev. Dr. Young Gil Choi, Ph.D.
Dean of Toronto :
Dr. Bong Sup Cho, D.Min.
Dean of Bolivia :
Rev. Dr. Soohyun Chung, M.D., D.D.
Dean of Japan :
Rev.Dr. Kang Hun Lee, Ph. D.
Dean of Venezuela :
Rev.Dr. Kyungsuk Chung, Ph. D., D. Min.
Dean of Nepal :
Rev.Dr. Ki Soo Chae, D. Miss.
Dean of Seoul, Korea :
Rev. Dr. Hyeong Su Kim, Ph.D.
Dean of Seoul, Korea :
Rev. Dr. Jae Hwan Park, D.D.
Dean of Seoul, Korea :
Rev. Dr. Sung Ki (Seong) Kim, D.Min, D.D.
Dean of Seoul, Korea :
Rev. Dr. Jae Ho Kim, D.D., D.Miss.
Dean of Central Korea :
Rev. Dr. Jae In Kim, Th.D., Ph.D.
Dean of Gangneung Korea :
Rev. Dr. Hyun Joo Shin, Th.D.
Dean of Yangju Korea :
Dr. Hwa Soon Koh, D.D., D.Miss.
Dean of Seoul Korea :
Rev. Dr. Hyun Chul Song, D.D., D.Miss.
Dean of Seoul Korea :
Dr. Byong Sam Kim, D.D., D.Miss.
Dean of Cheonan Korea :
Rev. Dr. Jae Chul Seo, D.Min., Th.D.
Dean of Seoul Korea :
Rev. Dr. Sung Chan Kim, D.D.
Dean of Chung Buk Korea :
Rev. Dr. Sung Woo Joo, D.Min.
Dean of Seoul Korea :
Rev. Dr. Byung Soo Kim, D. D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr. Jung Sik Lee, Th.D.
Dean of Asia :
Miss. Andy Seiyong Park, B.Th.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr. Shi Yin Fu, Th.D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr. Quan Shun Hua, D.C.C.
Dean of Asia :
Rev.Dr. Seong Ho Choi, D.D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr. Hak Kgwan Kim, Ph.D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr.Kwan Soon An, D.C.C., Th.D.
Dean of Asia :
Miss. Seong Sim Lee, M.Div.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr.Ho Bin Gang D.Miss., Th.D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr.Young Soo Kim, Th.D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr.Kyu Neon Kim, D.Min. Th.D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr. Joshua Lee, Th.D.
Dean of Asia :
Rev.Dr. Sun Ho Choi
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Su Jin Chae,Ass.Th.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Cui Longnan, M.Div.
Dean of Asia :
Rev. Dr. Isaac Lee, D.Min.
Dean of Asia :
Miss .Kyung Ho Lee, B Th.
Dean of Asia :
Miss.Guo Tai (Joseph) Cui, Th.M.
Director of Cambodia/Singapore :
Miss. Ying Xiang Zhou, B. Th.
Director of Asia :
Miss. Quan Chang Hua,Ass.Th.
Director of Asia :
Miss. Jin Qi Hua, B.Th.
Director of Asia :
Miss.Ying Ai Yin, B.Th.
Director of Asia :
Miss.Yu Lan Wu, B.Th.
Director of Incheon Korea :
Miss.Duk Shim Park,Ass.Th.
Director of Toronto :
Rev. James Kim, M.Div.
Director of Japan :
Ass. Pas. Chieko Frusawa, M. Div.
Director of Asia :
Miss. Chul Nam Yoo, M. Div.
Director of Asia :
Miss. Ying Xiang Zhou, M. Div.
Director of Colombia :
Miss. Sonia Yaneth Diaz Carrizosa, M. Div.
Director of Asia :
Rev. Pong Gyun Jung, M. Div.
Director of Asia :
Rev. Sang Yeul Lee, M. Div.
Director of Asia :
Rev. Hye Sook Cho, M. Div.
Director of Asia :
Miss. Ei Jae Sung, M. Miss.
Director of Asia :
Miss. Eun Hee Park, M.C.E.
Director of Asia :
Miss. Yun Ok Kim, B.C.E.
YUTS Faculty : 석좌교수
Dr. Keum Shook Paik, D.C.C. Ph.D.( P.C. )
Dr. Jong Un Lee, Th.D., D.D. ( P. T. )
Dr. Hyeong Su Kim, D.D., Ph.D. ( P. T. )
Dr. Peter B. Hyun, Th.D., Ph.D. ( O. T. )
Dr. Stephen Y. Jun, Th.D. ( P. T. )
Dr. Sung Man Chung, D.Min. ( N. T. )
Dr. Yang-Hi Kim, H. D. C. M. (C.M.)
Dr.Paul B. Jang,Th.D.,Ph.D.(W.M.)
Dr. Daniel H. Choi, Ph.D. (P.T.)
Dr. Choules H. Park ,Th.D.,Ph.D.(O.T.)
Dr. Kyung Soo Chun, H. D. Miss.(P. T.)
Dr. Sarah S. Rhei, D. R. E.(H. T.)
Dr. Byung Choun Lee, D. C. M. ( EU )
Dr. Samuel S. Goebel, D. D., Ph. D.( O.T.)
Dr. Tae Hyun Back, Th.D., D.D. ( P. T. )
Dr. Shin Woo Lee, H.D.C M.(C.M)
Dr. Sung Bae Ju, D. C. M.(C.M.)
Dr. Sung Nung Shin, Ph. D. (O.T.)
Dr.JE IL CHA, Th.D.,Ph.D. (Full Gospel)
YUTS Visiting Professors
Dr. Hak Kgwan Kim, Ph D.,D.D. from Asia, Theology
Dr. Kyu Neon Kim, D.Min.,Th.D from Asia, Third World Mission
Dr. Young Ha Lee, D.Min., from Colombia, Practical Theology
Dr. Isaac Lee, D.Min. from Asia, Third World Mission
Dr. Jung Sik Lee, Th.D. from Asia, Biblical Theology
Rev. Cui Longnan, M.Div. from Asia, Practical Theology
Dr. Hyun Joo Shin, Th.D. from Korea, Theology
Dr. Jae In Kim, Th.D.Ph.D. from Korea, Biblical Theology
Dr. Hwang Ju Lee, D.C.C. from Asia, Biblical Counseling
Dr. Joshua Jongha Lee, M.Div.D.D. from Japan, Third World Mission
Dr. Young Gil Choi, Th.D. Ph.D.from Paraguay, Third World Mission
Dr. Soohyun Chung, D.D. from Bolivia Third World Mission
Dr. Sung Chan Kim, D.D. from Korea, Biblical Theology
Dr. Sung Woo Joo, D.Min. from Korea, Theology
Dr. Quan Shun Hua, D.C.C. from Asia, Biblical Counseling
Dr. Shi Yin Hu, Th.D., D.Min. from Asia, Biblical Theology
Dr. Ho Bin Gang, Th.D., D.Miss. from Asia, Third World Mission
Dr. Chol Shaku Ko-Gen Lee, D. D. from Asia, Third World Mission
Dr. Ki Soo Chae, D. Miss. from Asia, Third World Mission
Dr. Young Soo Kim, D.Miss. from Asia, Third World Mission
Dr.Do Soo Yeo ,D.Eng. College English / Bible English
Kyung Suk Kim, M.M. Church Music in CCM