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YTS 소개

YTS 소개

Yeshua (예슈아):예수님의 히브리어 이름
예슈아 대학교. 신학대학원. 박사원.
Yeshua Theological Seminary

본교 YTS: (Yeshua Theological Seminary) 는 성경을 정확 무오한 하나님의 말씀으로 믿고, 21세기 세계 복음화를 위하여 목회자와 선교사 양성을 하는 교육기관으로, Yeshua Church Alliance(YCA, 예슈아 교회연맹 세계총회)교단이 인준한 초교파 대학교 대학원입니다.
Mission Statement

Yeshua University is a teaching institute based on the Bible. This University’s mission is to train and nurture faithful and creative pastor, missionary, lay leader with the evangelical faith and the reformed, standing with Yeshua Church Alliance. This institute is committed to provide leadership for fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord: (1) the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind (2) the maintenance of worship (3) the preservation of the truth (4) the exhibition of the Kingdom of God to the world.

YTS 연혁
Dec. 4, 2003, N.Y.S. Department of State, Division of Corporations and state Records: F#: 031204006 603: 비영리 단체 신학대학 법인 등록.
Mar. 5, 2004, The state Education Department / The University of the state of New York: 비학위 수여 신학대학 인정.
Nov. 21, 2005, Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Section 501 (C) (3) , Employer Identification Number: 45-0529420: 미연방정부 재무성 국세청 (IRS): 비영리단체 신학대학 법인등록.
YTS 재단
“Peter & Esther Hyun Foundation” 본 재단은 하나님의 영광스러운 나라를 실현하기위해 “예슈아 신학” (Yeshua Theology) 을 중심으로 “예슈아 학파”를 형성하고 있으며, 재단소속 본교자체 Degree 수여 학교로
Yeshua University and Theological Seminary (YUTS, School Code: 81739589)
International University (I.U.School Code: 69608261)
Enoch University (E.U.: School Code: 97715495)
Enoch Language Institute (E.L.I.: Granting Processing: Fall 2006 I-20 Form 발행 예정) 을 두고 있다
YTS 협정학교
Sacramento Theological Seminary & Bible College
(STSBC, School Code: 3406271: 학위협정)
Faith Theological Seminary & Christian College
(FTSCC: “CIC” “SBICU” : 246083: 학위협정)
Cohen University & Theological Seminary (CUTS, School Code: 1927521: 학위협정)
Evangelical Church Alliance (ECA, 안수협정)
Internet World Missionary University (IWMU, 안수협정 / 학위협정)
등이 협력하여 세계 복음화 (World Evangelization) 에 큰 디딤돌을 놓을 것입니다.
1. Theology. 2. Missiology. 3. Christian Education. 4. Christian Counseling. 5. Church Music. 6. Healing Martial Arts. 7. Holistic Eastern Medicine.
4년 (8학기
) / Four years (8 semesters)
1. Divinity. 2. Theology. 3. Missiology. 4. Christian Education. 5. Christian Counseling. 6. Church Music. 7. Healing Martial Arts. 8. Holistic Eastern Medicine 3년 6학기+논문
6 semesters +
1. Ministry. 2. Doctor of Divinity. 3. Theology. 3. Missiology. 4. Christian Education. 5. Christian Counseling. 6. Church Music. 7. Healing Martial Arts. 8. Holistic Eastern Medicine 3년 6학기+논문 / 6 semesters + dissertation
1. Theology. 2. Christian Counseling
3년 6학기+논문 / 6 semesters + dissertation
세계 최초로 한글 Internet 으로 수업 받고 학점 인정을 받을수 있습니다.
Curriculum 1. Bachelor of Theology (total credits : 126)
required courses: Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey
NT Greek, Int. to Hebrew, Pentateuch, History of Israel,
Prophets, Writings, Gospels, Parables, Pauline Letters
Christian Education, Systematic Theology, History of Church
Church Music, Methods of Bible Study, Ministerial Ethics
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective
elective courses: Bible/Theology 30, Ministry 30, Practice 9
2. Master of Divinity (total credits : 96)
required courses: Int. Old Testament, Int. New Testament, OTT, NTT
NT Greek, Int. to Hebrew, Pentateuch, History of Israel,
Prophets, Writings, Gospels, Parables, Pauline Letters
Hermeneutics, Christian Ethics, OT Survey, NT Survery
Christian Education, Systematic Theology, History of Church
Church Music, Methods of Bible Study, Ministerial Ethics
Preaching, Pastoral Counselling, Evangelism and Mission
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective
elective courses: Bible/Theology 36, Practice 9
Graduation Thesis : 50-70 pages (in English or Korean)
3. Master of Theology (total credits : 36)
entrance requirements: Master of Divinity or equivalent degree
required courses: Seminar of Biblical Theology, Readings on Biblical Hebrew
Apocalyptics, Theology of History, Missiology, Church
Theological Readings, Seminar on Christian Worship
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective
elective courses: major courses
Thesis : 60-80 pages (in English) or 70-100 (in Korean)
4. Doctor of Ministry (total credits : 48)
entrance requirements: Master of Divinity or Theological Studies
Five years of ministry
required courses: Advanced Greek, Hebrew readings, Bible Exegesis
Gospel Theology, Christian Historical Perspective
Method of Research and Writing Prescribed by Faculty
Thesis : 75-120 pages (in English or Korean)
5. Doctor of Theology (total credits : 64)
entrance requirements: Master of Divinity or Related Theological Studies
required courses: Advanced Greek, Hebrew readings, Latin,
Bible Exegesis, Relational Theology, Gospel Theology.
Christian Historical Perspective, Pastoral Counselling
Major courses
Method of Research and Writing Prescribed by Faculty
Thesis : 100-200 pages (in English or Korean)
Course Number
700-799 Introductory Courses
800-899 Intermediate Courses
900-997 Advanced Courses
998-999 Independent Study

Biblical Studies

NT (New Testament)
750 Biblical Greek (NT) I
780 Biblical Greek (NT) II
790 Reading of NT Greek
799 Introduction to NT
810 Synoptic Gospels
820 Fourth Gospel (John)
825 Acts
830 Pauline Letters
835 Letter of Romans
840 General Epistles
842 Letter of Hebrews
845 Revelation of John
850 NT Exegesis
888 Between Two Testaments
900 Seminar on NT Exegesis
950 Eschatology in NT
970 NT Theology

OT (Old Testament)
750 Biblical Hebrew I
760 Biblical Hebrew II
780 Reading of Hebrew Bible
799 Introduction to OT
805 Religion and History of Israel
810 Pentateuch
815 Genesis: Foundations in Biblical History
820 Former Prophets
830 Latter Prophets
832 Exegesis on Isaiah
833 Exegesis on Jeremiah
834 Exegesis on Ezekiel
835 Minor Prophets
840 Psalms : Biblical Poetry
845 Wisdom Literature
850 OT Exegesis
900 Seminar on OT Exegesis
950 OT Apocalyptic
970 OT Theology


CH (Church History)
790 History of Church I (Early Church)
800 History of Mission
810 History of Church II(Medieval & Reformation)
820 History of Church III (Modern)
825 History of Korean Church I
831 History of Korean Church II
840 History of American Church
841 History of Presbyterian Church in U.S.A.
880 History of World Church (Cumulative)
900 Seminar on Korean Church History
920 History of Korean Immigrant Church in U.S.A.
930 History of Doctrines
950 Seminar on World Church
970 Ecumenics

Systematic Theology

TH (Theology)
790 Introduction to Theology : Christian Faith
795 The Christian Life
800 Doctrine of God
805 The Story of Christian Church
810 Modern Theology
820 Theological Anthropology
880 Pneumatology (or Work of the Spirit)
900 Seminar on Eschatology
905 Christology (or Work and Person of Christ)
910 Ecclesiology (or Doctrine on Church)

ET (Ethics and Theology)
820 Missiology
850 Christian Ethics
870 Church and Society
875 Science and Theology
900 Puritan Ethics and Theology
920 Social Science and Theology
950 Seminar on Theological Option

Practical Theology

PT (Pastoral Studies)
500 Personal Assessment and Spiritual Development
700-5 Pastoral Practice
720 Church Music
725 Hymnology
730 Organization of Immigrant Church in America
810 Int. to Pastoral Theology
815 Church Administration
820 Study on Ministry
830 Worship (Theory and Practice)
835 Worship Seminar
840 Evangelism
850 Pastoral Counselling
851 Family Counselling
852 Marriage Counselling
855 Introduction to Christian Education

YTS : Cyber Internet Education
세계 어느곳에서든 한글로 Internet 접속에 의해서 강의도 듣고 학점을 취득할수 있으며 연중 Intensive Course로 진행 됩니다.
연 4학기제로 (Fall. Winter. Spring. Summer) 휴강없이 집중 수업 합니다.
선교사님들과 선교사 희망자들에게는 YTS 부설 Yeshua Missionary University 가 운영 됩니다.
선교지 선교사님들에게는 연 6학기가 적용 됩니다.
Full Scholarship: 다음 특수 선교지들에 대해서는 100% 장학금이 적용 됩니다.
(1. Central America. 2. South Africa. 3. Asia. 4. South America, 5. India)
본교는 전 세계에서 50분의 Satellite Dean 들이 사역하고 계시며 1700명의 학생들이 Internet 을 통하여 공부하고 있습니다.
특 전
학사. 석사. 박사 모든학위는 본교 (1. YUTS. 2. I.U. 3. E.U.) 와 학위 협정
(1. STSBC. 2.FTSCC. 3. CUTS) 의 6개 대학중 하나를 받으실수 있습니다.
안수 협정에 의하여 미국 최대의 초교파 교단인 ECA에서 목사 안수를 받으실수 있습니다.
여성 사역자도 동등한 자격으로 목사 안수를 받으실수 있습니다.
상담학 전공학생들은 Fort Lee. New York 기독 상담 대학원에서 미국 최고의 상담학 수업을 받습니다.
On Campus:
NJ 상담대 (백금숙 학장: 201-370-8172).
Headquarter: Yeshua Theological Seminary
NJ 상담대 (백라헬 박사원장. 백금숙 학장: 201-370-8172)
명예 총장: Dr. Sam Goebel, 이종은 박사
박영규 박사, 신성능 박사, 정영수 박사
설립총장: 현베드로 목사(신학박사, 철학박사)

부 총 장: 표성준 박사, 윤원환 박사, 백라헬 박사
유덕필 박사, 김재인 박사, 김재호 박사, 김규년 박사
강호빈 박사, 박철홍 박사, 이무길 박사

박사원장: 백라헬 박사(상담대 박사원): 특수상담
김훈 박사(신학대 박사원) Full Gospel (USA)
장부영 박사(신학대 박사원): 제 4세계 선교
조옥래 박사(한방대 박사원): 대체의학
차제일 박사(신학대 박사원) Full Gospel (Korea))
